Cars by Serie [ C 197 ]
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We are an interdisciplinary team of enthusiasts of the Star, led by Jorge Alejandro Medellín and Erick Hansen. Jorge Alejandro is a writer, teacher and researcher, and the author of 'Mercedes-Benz para fanáticos' one of the most widely-read books among Mercedes-Benz fans in the Spanish-speaking world. Erick is a designer, innovator and university professor, and author of numerous and innovative web design projects. He is also involved in aerial photography, 3D and 360º.
The purpose of our website is to build a worldwide community of experts, and at the same time, the largest database of Mercedes-Benz cars. Everyone öts here. We welcome the owners of all classes, all series, all models from every year of Mercedes-Benz.
The structure of our website includes 22 classes: A, CLA, GLA, B, C, SLC (+ SLK), GLC (+ GLK), E (+ CLK), GLE, G, R, S Representation, S ), CLS, GLS (+ GL), SL, SLR, SLS, AMG-GT, V, X and Precursors.
Each of these classes (or subclasses) are presented with their corresponding body type (Sedan, Coupe, Coupe 4-door, Cabrio, Estate, SUV, Long, Shooting Brake, MPV, Pick Up, Roadster, etc.).
Once the bodies have been identiöed, we have access to 217 series (W 114, R 107, W 222, etc.), and then, we are able to önd 1,510 models, which are visually identiöed with the emblem on the rear of each car. All models have, in turn, 25 icons with varied technical and completely reliable information, which offer a vast amount of information on the car you want to examine. Thus, we are presenting about 40,000 specialized pages, illustrated with thousands of high quality photographs.
Additionally, and as a fundamental part of our project, we provide the option to upload any Mercedes-Benz car with its basic data (class, series, model, year, color, engine) along with its owner, who from that moment becomes an expert, and depending on the quality of the content and its respective proöle, the expert is ranked between one and öve stars. Whether you are an amateur, owner, technician, collector, employee, journalist, mechanic, judge, salesman or book author, you can win a star as long as your experience with Mercedes-Benz develops and becomes more productive.
This community of owners, amateurs and experts can contribute regularly with experiences, data, reviews and observations, as well as to communicate with each other in any language within a multilingual platform, whose main language is English with Spanish as a secondary language. The only limits will be those of imagination, decency, and the seriousness of the information.
Our page has been tailor-made, which means we have an exclusive content management system, our own server and unlimited capacity. We are committed to the strict defense and respect of copyright. Together, we will make this website the most complete, updated and functional in the world of Mercedes-Benz.
MBenz book author
Autor libros MBenz
Daimler director
Directivo Daimler
Manager of MBenz official dealer
Gerente concesionario oficial MBenz
Judge or expert in MBenz Club, any country
Juez o perito Club MBenz cualquier país
President or former President of MBenz, any country
Presidente o expresidente Club MBenz cualquier país
President or former President of Daimler, any country
Presidente o expresidente Daimler cualquier país
MBenz workshop owner registered C.C.
Propietario taller mecánica MBenz registrado C.C.
MBenz restoration workshop owner registered C.C.
Propietario taller restauración MBenz registrado C.C.
4 Stars
MBenz collector (3 or more cars owned)
Coleccionista MBenz (3 o más automóviles de su propiedad)
MBenz engineer or specialized technician linked to Daimler
Ingeniero o técnico especializado MBenz vinculado a Daimler
MBenz official workshop supervisor or registered C.C.
Jefe de taller MBenz oficial o registrado C.C.
MBenz specialist journalist with current links to the media
Periodista especializado MBenz con vínculo vigente con medios
MBenz car salesperson in an official dealer
Vendedor automóviles MBenz en concesionario oficial
3 Stars
Multibrand dealer manager
Gerente concesionario multimarcas
Judge in a multibrand club
Juez Club multimarcas
MBenz marketing and advertising executive
Profesional en mercadeo y publicidad MBenz
Automotive sector journalist with current links to the media
Periodista sector automotor con vínculo vigente con medios
Business owner related to MBenz
Propietario negocio relacionado con MBenz
Owner of a multibrand workshop
Propietario taller multimarcas
Official Mercedes Benz Club Partner, any country
Socio Club Mercedes Benz oficial cualquier país
2 Stars
MBenz mechanic linked to a registered workshop
Mecánico MBenz vinculado con taller registrado
MBenz owner (1-2 cars)
Propietario MBenz (1-2 automóviles)
MBenz spare parts seller in registered business establishment C.C.
Vendedor repuestos MBenz en establecimiento comercial registrado C.C.
1 Star
MBenz fan
Aficionado MBenz
5 Stars
MBenz dealer
Concesionario MBenz
Daimler any country
Daimler cualquier pais
3 Stars
Multibrand dealer
Concesionario multimarcas
Jorge Alejandro Medellín B. Chief Executive Officer
Erick Hansen G. Chief Design Officer
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This Mercedes-Benz is available for sale. Complete the following form to contact the owner.
Este Mercedes-Benz se encuentra disponible para la venta. Completa el siguiente formulario para contactar al propietario.